  Public Ticket #2475526
Megamenu is not serving scaled images


  • Sandipbarik started the conversation

    I have enabled mega menu but the images in mega menu are served in full size and scaled via css, thus increasing the site load time, please let me know how can I make the mega menu serve small scaled images and stop it from loading the full sized hi-res featured images

  • Sandipbarik replied

    Hi, still waiting for your reply.

  •  213
    Ali replied

    Sorry, image thumbnail functionality is not available for mega menu

  • Sandipbarik replied

    But the full size images are unnecessarily increasing load times, delivering full size images for thumbnails is not optimized, if you tell me where image size is defined for mega menu, I can try and solve it myself.

  •  213
    Ali replied

    So please send us the admin login account, we will review and optimize your site.

    Thank you.

  •   Sandipbarik replied privately
  • Sandipbarik replied


    The megamenu issue is solved, now entering image width height in the mega-menu widget section resizes the image properly.

    Please close this ticket.

  •  213
    Ali replied

    Thank you.